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Home Economics

What does Home Economics look like at Ponsonby?

At Ponsonby Intermediate students are given the opportunity to develop their knowledge and skills around cooking and making healthy food and dietary choices. Students are exposed to a wide range of cooking methods, techniques and ingredients which provides opportunities for student voice and student choice.

Home Economics teaches the importance of critical and reflective thinking about social issues towards enabling optimum health, focusing on how students can be empowered both individually and collectively.

Students work as part of a team and increase their understanding of the importance of working together to promote structures in society and to foster socialisation skills through sharing food prepared with others in the home economics classroom.

Why do we teach it?

Home Economic students develop an understanding of the factors that influence the wellbeing of individuals and families within the home and the community and of the actions people take to enhance and sustain those environments. In the context of food and nutrition, students evaluate current issues and theories of nutrition, identify and reflect on factors that influence people’s choices and behaviours, and use this knowledge to make informed decisions. Through the processes of selecting, preparing, cooking, and serving food, students develop their creativity and experience a sense of accomplishment. At the same time, they develop personal and interpersonal understandings and skills that contribute to well being.

How do we teach it?

  • Exposing students to a wide range of cooking methods and techniques
  • Providing opportunities for student voice and student choice
  • Identifying and promoting awareness of kitchen hazards and food handling techniques
  • Exposure to a wide range of ingredients
  • Encouraging and educating students about healthy eating and healthy life choices
  • Providing the correct (and having enough) equipment for students to apply their knowledge and to challenge themselves
  • Providing a wide range of recipes to engage and promote interest while making it relevant to students, community and whanau

From the Ponsonby Curriculum. Published 2022.