Announcement : 

New ezLunch Service has launched. Check out the School Shop page for more information.

D.E.E.P. ​Learning (Differentiated, Extension, Enrichment Programme)

What is DEEP Learning?
DEEP Learning is our Differentiated, Extension, Enrichment Programme that runs Terms 2, 3 and 4.  During DEEP Learning the students receive an extra period of Mathematics and English at their level.
Every teacher in the school either teaches Mathematics or English during this time.How Are The Classes Formed?
The classes are different to their normal form classes as they are streamed.  The English and Mathematics teachers test and grade the students prior to DEEP Learning beginning.  The students are then grouped according to their needs.  As we have the whole school teaching DEEP Learning we are able to have smaller classes during this time.

What Is Taught In DEEP Learning?

Week 1 Term 2 – Week 5 Term 3


Quality writing skills
Why is it important to write well in all subjects?
Statistics and Probability

Why Are These Areas Taught In DEEP Learning?

In Term 4 during Mathematics the students are learning about Geometry and as Geometry and Measurement are best taught simultaneously the students learn about Measurement during DEEP Learning.

Science Fair in DEEP Learning
During Terms 2 and 3 students are able to opt into Science Fair which is run during the DEEP block.  As the students who are undertaking Science Fair will be gathering and analysing data they are not disadvantaged in their learning. During the Science Fair process they will be guided in their scientific writing for their displays as well as through their log book.