Announcement : 

New ezLunch Service has launched. Check out the School Shop page for more information.


Ponsonby Intermediate welcomes International Students

Each year, we welcome a limited number of students who wish to experience living and learning in a “Kiwi” school. We offer specialist support from our Teaching and Administration staff. We focus on the wellbeing and pastoral care of each individual student.

Mission Statement

Our Mission Statement is to provide every child with every chance to develop to their potential through a total commitment and passion for achieving excellence. Ponsonby Intermediate School is a leading, well resourced contributing Intermediate school. We have a roll of 570 students. We provide a quality education that acknowledges and support individual students’ potential and ability. Our school draws from a diverse community with the predominant demographic area generally being higher economic, with some small areas of lower socio-economic groups. Our diverse racial and ethnic makeup enriches school life. Ponsonby Intermediate is a highly sought-after school. The school enjoys a strong and supportive parent community who assist in many ways both inside and outside the school. We have a wide range of specialised learning programmes. We have a specialist teacher working extensively with ESOL students, where English is their second language. Learning Assistants are also available to assist students in their learning. Our wide range of specialised teachers are committed to providing learning for our students. We also have a qualified Guidance Counsellor who works throughout the school. We have an “open door” policy for the sharing of ideas and feedback. Our committed staff work to improve learning and teaching for all students.


Please contact Jill Charlton for our International Prospectus pack.
Her email is

You can also contact her by telephone at school: +64 9 376 0096 At home: +64 9 214 8428 Mobile: +64 21 410 797 or fax at +64 9 376 1096

Conditions of Enrolment
Download File
International Student Policy
Download File
Mission Statement
Download File
Enrolment Form
Download File
Fee Protection and Refund Policy
Download File

Code of Practice 2021
Download File