Announcement : 

New ezLunch Service has launched. Check out the School Shop page for more information.

Pastoral Care

Essence Statement
To allow students an opportunity to reflect critically on their learning and their journey at Ponsonby Intermediate.

Students are placed in a form class and stay with the same form teacher through their two years at Ponsonby Intermediate. This allows students to create and maintain a positive class culture and identity. During form time they also participate in Kori, which promotes movement and participation in a physical context.

What is it?
Form time is a 45 minute session that is the first lesson of the day, and is planned and organised by the form teacher. We endeavour to set the tone for the day for the students to ensure the are put on the right path for the days learning experiences.

Form times have 4 main purposes at Ponsonby:

  • Firstly, form times are used as an administration time for teachers to give students any pieces of important information they require such as newsletters, notices, permission slips etc.


  • Secondly, form-time are important for teachers to focus on pastoral care and ensure that students are safe and cared for during their time at Ponsonby. If students have any questions or concerns this is a time for teachers to give support to students where it is needed and deal with these concerns arise efficiently.


  • Thirdly, Hauora is taught during form times as well on a Friday morning. This has a pastoral care focus and its purpose is to ensure the class culture is strong and students feel supported and cared for.


  • Finally, form time is where critical thinking takes place in regards to students learning. Students are required to reflect on their time at Ponsonby and ‘think about their thinking’. This is achieved through our School Values, SMART targets, Habits of Mind and goal setting.

Positively Ponsonby also takes place during Friday form time. It is led by students, allowing them to have a voice during form time and a chance to participate and contribute about things that are important to them, or things that might be of concern.

Why do we do it?

  • In order to enhance interactions amongst students and teachers.
  • To give students a voice in their own learning.
  • To give students an opportunity to reflect and clarify aspects of their learning.
  • To have an opportunity to identify areas of their learning they are strong in and areas that need improvement.
  • To set challenging but realistic goals that give every lesson and activity a focus.
  • To inform students of extra curricular activities and what is happening around the school.
  • To monitor students progress and their level of engagement in their learning.

How do we do this?

School Values
Ponsonby Intermediate has created four values that summarise what is important at Ponsonby and what defines a Ponsonby student.

Habits of Mind
Students learn the importance of the 16 habits and how they apply to their learning.

SMART Target
Ponsonby creates a term SMART target for the whole school to focus on around their learning habits.

Goal Setting
Students create and reflect on a range of short term and long term goals that are constructed around their learning.

Graphic Organisers
Students use a range of graphic organisers to help give structure and meaning to their learning.

Students are required to reflect on their well-being using the four dimensions: physical, social, mental and emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Positively Ponsonby
A student directed programme organised and led by the students. Focus on creating a positive class culture and reinforce our school values.